Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Causes of Lung Cancer - 2486 Words
Discuss the causes of lung cancer Lung cancer is one of the most dangerous diseases which make most of the people suffer. Lung cancer has been noted by the Canadian cancer Society (2010) as the most leading one which affected both male and female in 2010 and out of 24,200 Canadians, 20,600 of them died of lung cancer. Like any other types of cancer, lung cancer is basically caused due to the abnormal growth of cells in one of the body parts, lungs. Although the role of genetics is not very popular in lung cancer but the history of lung cancer in families will lead to the high risk of getting lung cancer. Moreover if they were your parents, siblings or child then the chances of getting it is more. Genetics are becoming the most†¦show more content†¦It leads to the bad health because people breathe that polluted air. The air we breathe now is dangerous because it may lead to lung cancer because of three reasons which is from the exposure of radon gas, dangerous mineral such as asbestos, air pollution, and seco nd-hand smoke. One of the problems comes from the exposure to radon gas. Radon gas is a radioactive gas which is present in the soil and it comes out from the crack on the wall or seep of the building. Usually it comes out from the granite. According to emedicine health (n.d.), radon gas is the second lead which causes lung cancer next to smoking. The gas also can be emitted from the uranium. So, this dangerous gas is very harmful to the lungs, and people are usually not aware of the existence of it. That gas is also dangerous when it was combined with smoke of cigarette and inhaled. The risk of getting lung cancer will increase since these two gases are the major cause of lung cancer. The other environmental factor is the exposure to dangerous mineral which is asbestos, and other harmful substances. Although asbestos is a natural mineral that is mined from the earth, but still it is harmful when it is inhaled. Its particles have an effect to create lung cancer. Furthermore, if the particles are combined with the cigarette smoke it will become even more harmful to lung and highly increase the risk of acquainting lung cancer. People tend to face this material during work. So, theyShow MoreRelatedLung Cancer : Causes And Effects1329 Words  | 6 PagesThe leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the United States and worldwide is lung cancer. Lung cancer is responsible for thirty percent of cancer deaths in the United States. The deaths caused by breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer combined do not add up to the deaths that lung cancer causes. 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