Thursday, October 31, 2019
Treatment of Autism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Treatment of Autism - Research Paper Example According to Jill Boucher, autism could have existed in human populations since the start (4). However it was not until the mid 19th century when it was recognized as a distinct disorder when Leo Kanner published a scientific paper titled ‘Autistic disturbances of affective contact’ and subsequently another paper by Hans Asperger on the same subject was published (Boucher, 4). People with severe autism were described as â€Å"simpletons†, â€Å"imbeciles†or â€Å"feeble-minded†(Boucher, 4). Those with mild autism or Asperger syndrome were considered withdrawn. The autism spectrum syndromes consist of Asperger syndrome, Rett syndrome, and childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD) (Boucher, 5). Currently, there is no single known cause for autism, however, a collection of factors including – genetic, environmental, and induced causes – are thought to contribute towards autism in children (Mayo Clinic, n.pag.). This paper will aim to creat e a distinction between fact and speculation regarding the causes that are real and those that are not. With the absence of a definitive etiology of the disorder, various theories have been presented that explain the relationship between autism and other factors. Genes are considered to be one causal factor contributing towards autism among children. The involvement of genetics as a causal factor was first made by Kanner in his original documentation of the disorder. In his work, Kanner suggested the involvement of parents in passing it on to children however he strongly proposed the involvement of one’s physiological defects (Schreibman, 90). It took many years before the genetic etiological link was explored and established.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
How Do We Solve a Problem Like....Stereotypes Essay Example for Free
How Do We Solve a Problem Like.Stereotypes Essay We can say that stereotypes are based in some kernel of truth. Some stereotypes are self-perpetuating, but is it up to the minority itself to regulate and stop those who perpetuate certain stereotypes? Can you tell one group of a minority to stop acting a certain way, to stop dressing a certain way, to stop talking a certain way? Would it really be better for society if we took out the kernels causing all the self-perpetuating problems? I believe the first step is in recognizing the stereotypes and prejudices we believe. From there, the process of eliminating them involves confronting your beliefs by meeting people that are different from you or challenge your thinking. Communication and being able to meet people who are not exactly like us are key factors in breaking down the walls of prejudice that we have made comfortable for ourselves. This class, I believe, is one step in the process, in getting us to step outside of our comfortable little worlds and discuss, see, and hopefully understand points of view and experiences that are shaped by the prejudices we have and the stereotypes we have made. I grew up about fifteen minutes north of NW Oklahoma City, and about fifteen minutes west of Edmond in the community of Deer Creek. Through the oil boom in the 70s and early 80s, Deer Creek started to become more and more of a white flight community of executives, business owners, and oil men than even Edmond. The majority of my school was white with a few racial minorities. No one in the late 90s had come out as gay in my high school, though the people that were assumed gay werent ever treated negatively to my knowledge. I literally had a white, middle to upper-middle class, heteronormativeexistence the first 18 years of my life. Then I came to college. Oh, here is where we might speak of the evils of the college world where students are subjected to such horrid liberal ideas that, dare we say it, challenge our thinking and beliefs. That is if I was prone to speaking ill of such an idea. It was through meeting other people not like my high school self that I began to be able to question why I had such beliefs about people. Now, the question is: What would be a solution for stereotyping.? In some cases, eliminating the ignorance associated with social stereotypes is probable, but there is also just as great a chance that the inductee or ethnographers, will turn against them vehemently Much depends upon the purpose and the mission of the ethnographer. Whether a new understanding of any social group or sect will bring about greater tolerance is a passion many seek. Through the development of any such ethnographic abilities, the sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated. Good question. Source(s): Appearance * Appearance creates stereotypes in society that exist outside of gender, race or traditional social standing. These stereotypes are designed to help society place an individual within a group of people in the society for identification purposes. For instance, a person who has a large amount of visible tattoos may be stereotyped as a threatening or bad person by a segment of society while someone in a business suit may be stereotyped as trustworthy. Without further investigation beyond the initial appearance of an individual, the person using the stereotype may not know that the person with the tattoos is the leader of a local Parent Teacher Organization or that the person in the business suit is a bank robber. A stereotype based on appearance can negatively impact a persons social standing or opportunities for jobs. Read more: The Effects of Stereotyping In America | nyone and everyone are getting them, as there no longer is a â€Å"type†to get tattoos. Unfortunately, employers still have a say about the acceptability of tattoos if it is in their dress code. They can say no to visible tattoos as long as they are consistent across the board about it.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Nanotheranostic Approach for Cancer Therapy and Imaging
Nanotheranostic Approach for Cancer Therapy and Imaging HER 2 conjugated multifunctional cubic phase nanoparticles (CPNPs): A nanotheranostic approach for cancer therapy and imaging Abstract Recently, cubic phase nanoparticulate systems are used as attractive vehicle in drug delivery research due to sustained release of both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drugs for cancer therapy. Currently, theranostic approach also emerged as frontier proposition for cancer therapeutics and diagnostics for better cancer management. Moreover, targeted drug delivery systems may be applied to increase the therapeutic index of the drugs and imaging agents at the targeted site. With an aim to develop a theranostic nanoformulation capable of drug delivery and imaging in a single shot, in the present study, HER 2 antibody conjugated cubic phase nanoparticles (CPNPs) were prepared by entrapping rapamycin (as a model anticancer drug) and QD 605 (as an imaging agent). The physicochemical characterisations of CPNPs were performed by different techniques. The antibody conjugated to CPNPs was confirmed by FT-IR and 1H NMR spectral analysis. In vitro studies were performed and demonstrated that, HER 2 conjugated rapamycin loaded CPNPs showed improved therapeutic efficacy than that of native rapamycin and rapamycin loaded CPNPs in HER 2 positive SKBr 3 cell line following enhanced cellular uptake through receptor mediated endocytosis. The molecular mechanisms of the particulate system on different signalling pathways were evaluated by western blot analysis. Further, the use of above system as an imaging modality was elucidated through optical imaging under in vitro system. Thus, these multifunctional CPNPs can be used as an effective targeted drug delivery system for cancer therapy and diagnosis in coming future. Introduction The life threatening disease cancer now becomes a challenge for survival worldwide due to its high mortality rate. So to achieve a better treatment modality, researchers are trying to develop new methodology for better management of cancer. Though chemotherapeutic agents are effective to some extent, however, clinical applications of these anticancer drugs are remained as a major problem due to their hydrophobic nature, low accessibility at the targeted site and dose limiting toxicity. With cancer tissues these drugs also affect the normal tissues with detrimental side effects [1, 2]. To overcome the lack of tumor specificity of cancer chemotherapy and diagnosis, till date nanomedicinal approaches have emerged as a hope for better therapeutics in cancer by using different nanocarriers like micelles, liposomes, solid lipid nanoparticles and nanoparticles consisting of biodegradable polymers etc. These approaches ultimately enhance the therapeutic potentiality of the drug in a sustaine d, controlled and targeted manner for longer period of time reducing the lethal side effects arose due to the drugs [3-5]. Recently, due to the capability to solubilise the hydrophilic, hydrophobic and amphiphilic molecules, cubic phase nanoparticulate systems are used as attractive vehicle in controlled drug delivery research [6]. In this regard, glyceryl monooleate (GMO) a synthetic lipid amphiphilic molecule approved by food and drug administration is known to form different lyotropic liquid crystalline phases depending upon water content. The cubic phase formed from GMO is a three dimensional network of curved lipid bilayers separated by intricate network of congruent water channels, now has been used for controlled drug delivery of different water soluble and insoluble drugs in the form of CPNPs [7, 8]. The use of surfactants may modulate the phase behaviour by controlling the shape and size of the nanoparticles which is an important parameter to cross different physiological barriers. In this current scenario, usually the surfactants like poly vinyl alcohol (PVA), tween 80, Pluronic F-127, Pluronic F-68, polysorbate 80 and vitamin-E TPGS etc are used as stabilisers in clinical studies to increase the therapeutic efficacy of the drug at the tumor site. In this regard, Barauskas et al have demonstrated that using Pluronic F-127 as a stabilising agent, stable aqueous nanoparticle dispersions may be obtained from the cubic phase of GMO [9]. Also it is shown that Pluronic F-127 through passive targeting can enhance the transportation of the drug towards cancerous tissues by inhibiting the drug efflux transporters [10]. Similarly, a well known natural polymer vitamin-E TPGS due to its biocompatible nature and excellent emulsifier in nanotechnology, is used for lipid-based drug delivery formulations. Moreover, also it can be used as an absorption enhancer and bioavailability promoter and facilitates the nanoparticles for carrying the drugs through gastrointestinal barrier. Apart from the above properties, recently vitamin-E TPGS is reported to inhibit p-gp pump effectively [11-13]. Recently, rapamycin and it analogs has been shown to inhibit the cancer cell growth obtained from breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, rehabdomyosarcoma, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, leukemia and ÃŽ ²-cell lymphoma. Rapamycin is a cytostatic agent and it shows its function by arresting the cells in G1 phase of cell cycle. The antitumor activity of rapamycin is found by blocking mTOR pathway, proposed to be an important target for treatment of cancer due to its involvement in tumorigenesis and angiogenesis on aberrant activation [14-16]. In spite of having potent anticancer effects of rapamycin, the clinical application is restricted due to its low bioavailability and hydrophobic nature [17]. In this milieu, nowadays different nanoparticulate systems are being used by different group of researchers to improve the therapeutic efficacy of rapamycin with a smaller dose for longer period of time in a controlled manner [2, 18]. Targeted drug deliver y vehicles are now emerged for improvement of treatment modality of the therapeutic agents and/or imaging agents strictly localising its pharmacological activity at the site of action through active targeting [1]. The surfaces of nanoparticles are decorated with peripheral ligands which bind specifically to the receptors those are over expressed in cancer cells arbitrating ligand-receptor interaction. Human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER 2), tyrosine kinase transmembrane receptor are highly expressed in different types of cancers like breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, gastric cancer, glioblastoma, ovarian cancer etc. Humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody (mAb) trastuzumab (Herceptin) was approved by U.S. Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials and it exclusively binds to HER 2 receptors preventing the cell growth in breast cancers. Targeted drug delivery with the help of mAb has drawn attention as an alternative approach for antibody mediated drug delivery of the chemotherapeutic agents for effective clinical translation [19, 20]. Nowadays optical imaging has been explored in biomedical research due to its high sensitivity, cost effectiveness, portability and lack of radiation and it shows marvellous implication by providing information for both in vitro and in vivo studies [21, 22]. The development of light emitting semiconductor nanocrystals known as quantum dots (QDs) have emerged as one of the most exciting interface of nanotechnology due to its unique optical and chemical properties over organic dyes. The unique properties of these QDs lead powerfully to study in molecular, cellular and in vivo imaging with advantages including narrow, symmetrical and tunable emission spectra according to their size and material composition, broad absorption spectra, high quantum yield, extremely photostable, more brightness and resistance to chemical degradation [23, 24]. In this study, we have formulated a theranostic nanocarrier for targeted drug delivery and imaging in treatment of cancer. Here, preparation and characterisation of HER 2 conjugated rapamycin and QD 605 loaded CPNPs based on GMO was done by blending pluronic F-127, vitamin-E TPGS, TPGS-HER 2 as a targeting moiety. Therapeutic evaluation of our formulated CPNPs was performed by taking both HER 2 positive and negative cell line through different in vitro experiments. Results confirmed that HER 2 conjugated rapamycin loaded CPNPs due to their higher uptake through receptor mediated endocytosis were more effective than that of unconjugated CPNPs and native drug treated case. Furthermore, in vitro cellular imaging study of formulated multifunctional CPNPs was validated by confocal microscopy and the results suggested that this multifunctional particulate system can act as a single bullet capable of obtaining a new concept for better therapeutics and diagnostics in cancer.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Ciminal Insanity Essay -- Judicial Criminal System
â€Å"A judge's ruling today that an Irvington babysitter who stabbed her 5-year-old nephew 57 times is not guilty by reason of insanity was followed by screams of agony from the dead child's father.†(Juri, 2009) This woman will be locked up, but in a maximum security psychiatric facility not a prison. Is this just? Is this fair? It may be. What if this woman did not know that the child was what she was stabbing? What if she saw a dog that was attacking her, or maybe she was even farther removed from reality. This is the difficulty with criminal insanity cases. Sometimes, even if the person is mentally ill a murder is a murder; theft is theft. Should criminal insanity be a useable defense in Canadian court systems? Through the history there have been three basic definitions of legal insanity. First was the M'Naghten Rule. This rule stated that a person was only considered legally insane if they were "incapable of appreciating his surroundings"(Montaldo, 2010) due to a mental illness. This is a quite strict definition without much room for special cases. It caused a â€Å"black and white†view of criminal insanity cases. The M'Naghten Rule lasted until the 1950s when in the Durham v. United States case the court ruled that "would not have committed the criminal act but for the existence of a mental disease or defect."(Montaldo, 2010) the Durham method got a lot of criticism because it was very lenient on the definition of criminal insanity so that it almost depended on the judge to decide if the person was to be considered criminally insane or not. To address this problem a third method was created by the American Law Institute and was published as part of the Model Penal Code. The Model Penal Code provided a standardized idea of crimina... reus. Retrieved from Burns, K. (2008, May 16). Criminal insanity . Retrieved from Dryden-Edwards, MD, R. (2010). Schizophrenia. Retrieved from Farlex, . (2010). Insanity defense. Retrieved from Findlaw, . (2010). The insanity defense: history and background .. Retrieved from Juri, C. (2009, January 06). Judge accepts insanity defense from babysitter in irvington child's slaying. Retrieved from Montaldo, C. (2010). The insanity defense. Retrieved from
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Evolution of Art
Stacie Mueller Art 100 Professor Morris 24 February 2012 The Evolution of Art To even begin to define art, we must have a starting point in history where something was first perceived as art. The question begs, though, why do we perceive it as art? To look up the word in a dictionary, you will find the term aesthetics almost always applied to its definition; however, much of we call art today is not exactly pleasing to the eye. Our shifting social attitudes have affected how art has been presented to us over time. We see depictions of hate, of war, of death, and many other forms of sorrow and horror.Moreover, we must consider how technology and modern conveniences have allowed a greater realm in the world of art: Photography and Photoshop programs, computer generated graphics, and applications for use with tablets and smart phones that allow us to modify images in an infinite number of ways. Loosely defined, the word art seems to be applied to almost anything: The written word, photo graphy, performance arts, computer graphics, commercial art, fashion, culinary, comics, and so on. For purposes of this research paper, however, the focus will be on the more concrete forms of art that we’ve come to know throughout history.The definition of art has certainly shifted and changed over time and across cultures; in this research paper we will explore how art has evolved. Art is many things to one person, and certainly carries different meanings for another person. However, anything and everything cannot be art or it would be difficult to appreciate art’s true essence; the quality that brings forth contemplation and deliberation. Besides creativity, art takes deep thought, imagination, and accomplishes a specific goal. Artists help us see things that matter and give us a different perspective with a specific goal in mind.The earliest art was discovered on cave walls in Lascaux, France. Paintings on the walls included large numbers of animals in various acti vities, as well as humans. In Art: A New History, Paul Johnson shows us the ingenuity of early artists: Pestles and mortars were found at Lascaux, with the discovery of â€Å"no less than 158 different mineral fragments from which the mixtures were made†(9). Techniques of these early artists included engraving with flakes of sharp flint, spraying paint, and the use of stencils.The use of colors, binding agents and tools to get the material to the walls such as brushes, and blow tools, is remarkable for the time period. It appears that the purpose of the cave paintings was to tell a story; as if the artists were attempting to make a connection with the animals they hunted and also feared (Getlein, 5). In the years since, many things have occurred in history affording great influence on art. The introduction of Christianity into the Roman Empire created a dynamic, cultural shift over religious beliefs (Getlein, 345).Realism, which centered around depictions of everyday life, w as seen in art during that period of time. As the Roman Empire shifted into the Byzantine Empire in the early Middle Ages, Emperor Constantine ruled that Christianity was to become the state religion. Hence, Byzantium art glorified Christianity in attempt to express its mystery. The subject matter became primarily religious and imperial, moving away from realism, while showing a more compressed, abstract style. Rather than depicting images of ordinary daily life, artists created more complex scenes that represented spiritual and heavenly splendor.Mosaic was a favored technique of Byzantium artists: An example of this is the mosaic depicting Christ as Pantokrator in the Santa Maria la Nuova (Getlein, 350). During the early Middle Ages we saw emotions in art shift back to realism in Carolingian art. When the emperor Charlemagne was crowned king in 800, uniting Christianity with Roman beliefs, chapels were designed to rival Roman and Byzantine architecture. The Chapel of Charlemagne is a mighty example of Carolingian art: Massive stone structure with an octagonal plan, mosaic decoration, and an interior framed by massive arches (Getlein, 15. 13).Some competition with Byzantium may also be implicit in Charlemagne's promotion of figural painting and carving, for he embraced and encouraged representational art at precisely the time when Byzantine rulers were renouncing images in favor of iconoclasm. The Romanesque period (1050 to 1200) gave us the proliferation of churches with thick stone walls, round arches and barrel vaulted stone ceilings. One such example is Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy (Getlein, 15. 14). Evolving from Romanesque style, Gothic art is more ornate. Churches are characterized by soaring interiors and large stained-glass windows.The Chartres Chapel exemplifies Gothic art in its flying buttresses and ornate towers (Getlein, 15. 18). During the late Middle ages, art became an even more powerful means of storytelling. This was a common device of religio us art of the Middle ages, for example in the frescoes by Giotto from the Church of San Francesco de Assisi, where sequences of panels were used to tell stories from the Scriptures or lives of saints (Getlein, 15. 26). The definition of art continues to change as we cross continents. The symbolism in African art, for example, was quite strong.The use of masks was one of the most interesting parts of their everyday life. Masks were meant to be kept in motion, as Getlein explains, because they represent â€Å"the head or face of a spirit being that has appeared in the community†(420). The nowo mask was used to represent the guiding spirit of Bondo, a women’s organization that regulates female affairs. Bondo is an initiation that prepares young girls for womanhood. An important feature of the nowo mask is the rings around its base; they are meant to represent a chrysalis, as girls emerge as women at the conclusion of Bondo (Getlein, 420).In more modern times we’ve seen various forms of â€Å"isms†: Impressionism, Expressionism, Naturalism, Realism, Modernism, and Surrealism – to name a few. Impressionist painting was perceived as working from outer appearances. Expressionistic artists intended to show a more inner dialogue, particularly with their use of color. The objective attention to appearances places Impressionism within the context Naturalism. While Naturalism and Realism are terms which are used interchangeably, the Naturalist is more impressed by the surface of things, such as the textures of fabric, the play of light, or the sheen of gold.The Realist tends to probe deeper into appearances, seeking the essence. Twentieth century Modernism is a reaction to Naturalism. Trevor Pateman describes Modernism as that which â€Å"can be defined as being concerned with the inner, or subjective, at the expense of the outer, or objective†(Pateman). The modernist viewed art as an agent of social change and even helped shape many political movements. The Surrealist movement sought techniques which would permit essence to break through the illusions of appearance, emphasizing imagery from dreams and fantasy.In this, Surrealists sought to act like Realists of the inner rather than the outer world. In all of these â€Å"isms,†however, there is a certain common ground: a focus on people, nature scenes, and everyday items. We can see that art has gone through many evolutions, but even though the technology of today has created more mediums for the creation of art, I wouldn’t say it has been transformed. Art, it seems, has forever been intended to speak the language of the unconscious mind. The human condition, nature, and events continue to capture the attention of artists. Works Cited Clowney, David. Definitions Of Art And Fine Art's Historical Origins. †Journal Of Aesthetics & Art Criticism 69. 3 (2011): 309-320. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Getlein, Mark. Living With Art. 9th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print. Johnson, Paul. â€Å"Painted Caves and Giant Stones. †Art: A New History. New York: HarperCollins, 2003. 7-16. Print. Keizer, Joost. â€Å"Michelangelo, Drawing, And The Subject Of Art. †Art Bulletin 93. 3 (2011): 304-324. Academic Search Premier. Web. 26 Feb. 2013. Pateman, Trevor. â€Å"Isms: Expressionism, Impressionism, Naturalism, Realism, Surrealism. †Selectedworks. co. uk. N. p. , 2005. Web. 2 Mar. 2013
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Police Thesis
CHAPTER 1 Introduction A. Background of the Study In the early years man had a difficult to accomplish their task in short period of time. Their works was never accurate and efficient since people had to do their jobs or responsibilities, manually. Hence, man has continuously looked for a better ways of doing things, for each invention and new development man had to extend their capabilities for making jobs easier and faster so as save time and effort. Man’s curiosity brought for the way of automation.Automation can be defined as a technology concerned with performing a process by means of programmed commands combined with automatic feedback control to ensure proper execution of the instructions. The development of this technology has become an increasingly dependent on the use of computers and computer related technologies. Advanced systems represent a level of capability and performance that surpass in many ways the abilities of human to accomplish the same activities.Manual procedures in performing transactions create problems which results to delay in the generation of reports, consume a lot of time in recording information and retrieving of files. One organization which uses manual record system and encountered those problems is the office of Philippine National Police (PNP) Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. The PNP Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte composing different registered of crime and incident from the different barangay of Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. PNP in cooperation of Local Government Unit (LGU) shall developed and implement programs on preventing crime and incident.The Local Government Unit (LGU) should provide the needs of the PNP Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. According to the PNP staff, recording and retrieving information of the incident and crimes happened and generating of report consume a lot of time since those transactions are done manually. This is the main reason why the researcher wants to conduct a study in the said office. The researcher wa nts to help their office by developing system software, making their transactions faster and easier to handle. B. Theoretical Framework. This study is anchored on Roger Clarke’s (1999) Diffusion of Innovation Theory.His theory describes the pattern of adoption, explains the mechanisms by which they occur, and assists in predicting whether a new invention will be successful. In its early stages, DOI theory was limited to expert in one specific field, examining and evaluating the diffusion of a process which relevant to their specialization. For example, medical sociologist would look a new technology occurring in health care and record the general rates of adoption, at the same time education researcher would study the spread of new teaching methodologist and its inevitable diffusion throughout the school system.Other theory is Everett Roger’s (1995) Diffusion of Innovation Theory. She defines innovation as an idea, practice, or object that is perceived as new by an ind ividual or other unit of adoption. In matters little, so far as human behavior is concerned, whether or not an idea is â€Å"objectively†new as measured by the lapse of time since its first use or discovery. The perceived newness of the idea seems new to the individual, it is innovation.This definition broadly takes on innovation to include not only products such as technological innovation but also ideas and processes that stimulate the development of human potential and organizational processes. Aside from that, Roger also stated in the year 2003 that Diffusion of Innovation theory is the process by which an innovation is communicated through certain channels over time among the members of a social System. †In other words, the study of the diffusion of innovation is the study of how, why, and at what rate new ideas and technology spread through cultures.The Office of PNP, Roxas, Zamboanga del Norte one of the offices that use a manual system in making Spot Report. T heir Spot Report procedures are done through the recording the information into the log book. By adopting the theory the researchers had enhanced the Spot Report of the said office and made known as Automated Crime and Incidents Record Keeping System. C. Conceptual Framework This figure below is the conceptual framework of the study which is represented by these three frames. The first frame refers to the system currently used by the office of the PNP Roxas Station which is Manual Record System.Through the used by the Manual Record System problems occur such as time consuming and delay in the recording and retrieving of information and generation of reports which can be seen in the second frame. Frame two (2) is the reason why the Automated Record System, Frame three (3) will be the focus of the researcher’s study in order to help the PNP in the processing of their transactions easier and faster. ManualRecordSystem| | Time consuming and delayed in the recording and retrieving of information and generation of reports| | Automated Crime and Incidents Record KeepingSystem| Figure 1.Conceptual Framework of the study This figure shows the conceptual framework of the study indicating the present system used at the PNP in processing their transactions. The problems they have encountered and the proposed system that that will help the PNP solve the problems they have encountered. D. Statement of the problem This study aims to design an Automated Record System at the Office of PNP Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. This study will seek to answer the following 1. What are the problems encountered in the Manual Record System at the Office of the PNP Roxas? 2. What system can be made to eliminate those problems?E. Objectives of the Study This study will be conducted in order to: 1. Identify the problems encountered in the PNP Roxas. 2. Develop a system that could eliminate those problems. F. Scope and Limitation This study was conducted at the Office of the PNP, Roxas Zamb oanga del Norte. The study was focused on the spot report, encoding incidences, crimes and generating reports. This study was conducted during the second semester of the SY 2011-2012. G. Significance of the Study The researcher conducted a study on Automated Record System at the Office of the PNP, Roxas Zamboanga del Norte.This study will aim to help the personnel responsible in the crimes and incident records and in the generation of reports to reduce time am effort in recording and retrieving of files. Through this Automated Record System, time consumed in recording information of the crimes, incidence and delays in the generation of reports encountered by the personnel will be reduced if not totally eliminated. For the researcher, this study will enhance their knowledge regarding system development For the future researchers, this study will serve as their reference in conducting system study. H. Operational Definition of Terms Activities or Programs.This refers to the different activities of the PNP like monthly assembly, police drill, etc. Admin. The one who is in charge and provides the recruitment information. Alert Team. The One who is responsible on responding incidents. Finance. The one that responsible on financing matters. Intelligence Division. The one who is responsible on secret record movement and illegal activities of the community. Investigator. The one who is responsible on investigative matters. Operation. The one who is responsible on operational function PCR. â€Å"Police Community Relation†the one who is responsible of the relationship of the community and police.Radio Operator. The one who is responsible in transmitting and receiving information. Spot Report. A report regarding to a happened incidents or crimes. Warrant & Subpoena Server. Te one who is responsible on issuing warrant and subpoena. Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature As we continue to barrel through the information age, it is hard to imagine conducting busi ness without computers. Each day, millions of people working in offices and homes around the world depend on computer technology to do their jobs efficiently and economically.To truly understand the computer’s history involves a daunting journey through mathematics, physics, and electrical engineering; through binary code, Boolean logic, real time, magnetic core memories, floating-point numeral notation, transistors, semiconductors, integrated circuits, and much, mush more. Luckily, most office workers do not need to understand this complex history to use computers and the dizzying array of software programs they execute. When computers were first developed nearly fifty years ago, the people who programmed them considered the task quite maddening.Fortunately, learning to use a personal computer today is often as simple as spending a few hours reading an instruction manual or following a hands-on tutorial. In recent years, computer technology has been incorporated into a wide range of costumers and industrial product. Computers are routinely used into word processing, email, video games, and other application that require repetitive tasks that can be automated. The offices and government institutions mentioned below are among the thousand of offices where application for membership are automated.One example is the Department of Social Welfare and Development. They are currently using the e-Donation Management System through a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with Globe X-Change Inc. (GXI) and Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the National Computer Center (NCC). The DSWD e-Donation Management System aims to provide the donor community a more convenient and cost-effective option of giving cash donation through the use of technology, such as short messaging services [SMS] or text message, as well as via online or internet.Likewise, it is a costume-designed turnkey solution that delivers, managers, and reconciles contribution and donations via text online transactions, working on a banking industry-standard ICT security environment, and a stable and scalable database system. This system takes the nature of an electronic payment system which is efficient and transparent, as well as fully received trough donation. Another is Tricare records-processing system. The TED system helps civilian providers get paid promptly for the services they provide to Tricare beneficiaries outside of military treatment facilities.Records are processed for provider payments in less than 24 hours in most cases. The ease and speed of the TED system gives providers an incentive to participate in Tricare. Increased participation in Tricare networks provides beneficiaries better access to health care. By verifying and analyzing the information in each records, the TED system allows providers payments to occur promptly and helps prevent payment of duplicate, fraudulent or erroneous claims. The information in the TED system provides data for developing health car e treads and budgets projection.TED system staff members have processed more than $140 billion of purchased services for Tricare beneficiaries worldwide since 2004. The Government Services Insurance System also uses the ECard System in which using your eCard plus, you can check your GSIS records, renew your active status (for Pensioners), and even apply for GSIS loans, when you go to any [email protected] kiosk installed in all GSIS offices and other major government offices all over the country and manage your eCard Plus ATM account or pay bill online.Also the electronic medical record (EMR) is a computerized medical record created in an organization that delivers care, such as a hospital and doctor’s surgery. Electronic medical records tend to be part of a local stand-alone health information system that allows storage, retrieval and modification of records. Aside from that the Records management, or RM, is the practice of maintaining the records of an organization from the time they are created up to their eventual disposal. This may include classifying, storing, securing, and destruction (or in some cases, archival preservation) of records.A record can be either a tangible object or digital information: for example, birth certificate, medical x-rays, office documents, databases, application data, and e-mail. Records management is primarily concerned with the evidence of an organization’s activities, and is usually applied according to the value of the records rather than their physical formal. Haryana Government is also using a system known as Haryana Land Record Information System. This system is a based software system used by the Haryana government for the computerization of land records in its tehsils. It was developed by NIC Haryana state Unit.Chapter 3 Methodology A. Settings of Study One of the first section citizens read in the local newspaper is the police spot report which contains information on crimes and incident that could af fect them directly. The kind of information provided, however, largely depends on the publication. Local newspapers typically review these records, called spot and reports and print the crimes and incidents happen. Many police departments maintained a handwritten daily spot report. A police report is a record of crimes and incident and committed in a certain area during a certain period of time.Police agencies are required to keep a record of daily activities that can be inspected by the public. So as a police investigator, a factual, precise, accurate information must be posted in the police spot record and its depends upon the agency what type of information they want publish. Police spot report in certain cases, note a suspect’s name, age and address. A name of the victim or complaining party might also be included, but police might avoid providing additional of information if discretion is warranted. Where the crime occurred(at a residence, a business or elsewhere) should be noted as well.Likewise, if a vehicle was damaged or an item was stolen, those things might also be noted. This are the information to be stored in the system to make it easy to find the crimes in the previous recorded incidents. The purpose of a police spot report is to provide an accurate written account of a police officer’s observations during the investigation of a criminal incident. A police spot report can only be written by the officer(s) involved in the investigation of an incident. Each officer who makes a report must swear to its accuracy by signing it.The purpose of making a police spot report into database is to make the investigator easy to find or locate the file that being input in the previous record. PNP Head The figure below shows the organizational structure of the Office of the PNP. ADMIN Operation Radio Operator Intelligence Division Warrant/Subpoena Server PCR SALAAM Alert Team Investigator Finance Figure 2 Organizational Chart The organizational cha rt of the Office of the Philippine National police Roxas Zamboanga del Norte. This figure shows the hierarchy supervision at the Office of the Philippine National Police (PNP). B.Research Design and Procedure of the Study Request letter was sent to the Office of the Philippine National Police (PNP) asking permission to conduct a study in their office. It was followed with the distribution of questionnaire and the conduct of an interview. The researchers in return were provided useful tools such as the organizational structure and different forms like Spot Report form and the master list of the Crimes and Incidents. The researcher have also browsed the internet to gather some related literatures as their basis for the study. The preparation of the manuscript for the system proposal followed.Upon approval, the researcher started to design an Automated Crimes and Incident Record System. Figure 3 on the next page shows the Gantt chart that reflects he work plan in developing a system. C ost and benefits analysis was made to determine the affordability and worthiness of the system. Gantt chart (Work Plan Schedule) Planned starting date – September 2011 |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Number of Months|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Activities|  | Sept|  |  | Oct|  |  | Nov|  |  | Dec|  |  | Jan|  |  | Feb|  |  | March|  | Apr|  | 1.Conducting aninterview|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 2. Planning|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 3. Problem|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Definition|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 4.System analysis|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | 5. Presentation|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | of the |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | proposal|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | Planned completion date – April 2012 Figure 3 (Gantt chart) This chart shows the work plan schedule in developing the system.Different activities were listed in order to determine the coverage of the certain activity. This chart also shows when the activities begin and end. C. Data Gathering Procedures The first procedure done by the researchers was conducting an interview to some of the staff of (PNP) for them to know how the PNP Officer processes the Record of Crime and Incidents and what are the problems encountered with regards to the transaction mentioned. When the reserchers found out that the office transactions are done manually, they sent a letter of request to the PNP officer.When the permission was granted, they conducted a formal interview to the PNP Officer , at the same time the questionnaire were given in order to gather more information Another way in which the researchers collected data was browsing the internet and reading some books. The researchers then prepared the proposal for presentation. D. Research Instruments Interview. A tool that was used to gather additional information on how the PNP Officer processed the Crime and Incidents Records. Questionnaires. A tool that was used to collect valuable information from the PNP Officer regarding the flow of processing the Records of Crime and Incidents.Observation. A tool that was also used to gather information by observing on how the Crime and Incidents Records is being done at the Office of the PNP. Journal. A tool that was used to record all observation and investigations done by the researchers so that they will be guided in the preparation and the final presentation of the proposal. Modeling tool. A tool that was used to describe the internal and external behavior of the system. It was composed of two models which is the essential and behavioral model. The environmental model describe the external behavior of the system. E. Data AnalysisData gathered from the research interview was carefully analyzed and interpreted through the cost and benefit analysis. Costs and Benefits estimates and totals at the equivalent money value of the benefits and cost of this system to establish whether this system is worthwhile and affordable to use. The purpose of the cost analysis is to calculate all the anticipated cost associated with the system. It concerns not only the cost of building the system, but also the cost of installing, operating and maintaining the system as well as the auxiliary cost, while the benefits analysis has two kinds.One is the tactical benefits that are often associated in reductions in clerical or PNP personnel and the ot her one is the strategic benefits which are an opportunity to save few clerical people as the ability to let the organization do things what would be possible with the current system. F. Cost and Benefit Analysis The purpose of the cost analysis is to calculate all the anticipated cost associated with the system. It concerns not only the cost of building the system, but also the cost of installing, operating and maintaining the system as well as the auxiliary cost, while the benefit analysis has two kinds.One is the tactical benefits that are often associated in reductions in clerical or PNP personnel and the other one is the strategic benefits which are an opportunity to save few clerical people as the ability to let the organization do things what would be possible with the current system. System Development Cost Visual Basic 6. 0Php 9,250. 00 Consultant Fee Php 9,025. 00 TotalPhp 18,275. 00 Present System Annual Operating Cost Office SuppliesPhp 15,465. 00 ElectricityPhp 2,564. 0 0 Hardware MaintenancePhp 2,000,00 TotalPhp 20,029. 00 Proposed System Annual Operating Cost SuppliesPhp 7,560. 00 ElectricityPhp 3,600. 40Hardware MaintenancePhp 2,100. 00 Total Php 13,260. 40 Annual Operating Cost:Php 13,260. 40 Present Annual Operating Cost A. Supplies 1. Ink (6 tubes/yr @ 1,130/tube)Php 6,780. 00 2. Ribbon Cartridge (5 boxes/yr @ 145. 00/box)Php725. 00 3. Bond Paper (5 rims (US long)/yr @240. 00/rimPhp 1,200. 00 (5 rims(US short)/yr @ 235. 00/rimPhp 1,175. 00 4. Stapler (1 pc/yr @ 145. 00/pcPhp 145. 00 5. Stapler Wire (30 boxes/yr @ 50. 00/box)Php 1,500. 00 6. Folder (30 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 240. 00 7. Fastener (15 boxes/yr @ 150. 00/boxPhp 2,250. 00 8. Puncher (1 pcs/yr @ 220. 00/pcPhp 220. 00 9. Ballpen (30 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 240. 00 10. Liquid Erasure 1 bot. /yr @38. 00/pcPhp 38. 00 Total: Php 14,513. 00 Electricity (Annual Consumption) No. of CPU 1 No. of Monitor 1 No. of Printer 1 Monitor Type Monochrome Working Days 200 General Charge 3. 95 Hours Used/ Days 6 System Unit Power Consumption/Day (6 hrs/ day * 400 watt) 2,400 watt/day HP Printer power Consumption/day (6 hrs/day * 90 watt) 540 watt/ day Monitor Power Consumption/ day (6 hrs / day * 30 watt) 180 watt / day Watt used for by device per day 2,400+540+180=3,120 wattsWatt used for all device / yr (3,210 * 200) 624,000 watts / yr Kilowatt used / yr (624,000 watts / 1000) 624 kilowatts / yr Watt / yr = (watt / day) * (working days / yr) =3,120 * 200 =624,000 Amount Due = (kilowatt / yr) * Generation Charge =624 *3. 95 Php 2,464. 80 Proposed System Annual Operating Cost B. Supplies 11. Ink (3 tubes/yr @ 1,130/tube)Php 3,390. 00 12. Ribbon Cartridge (2 boxes/yr @ 145. 00/box)Php 290. 00 13. Bond Paper (4 rims (US long)/yr @230. 00/rimPhp 920. 0 (4 rims(US short)/yr @ 225. 00/rimPhp 900. 00 14. Stapler (1 pc/yr @ 145. 00/pcPhp 145. 00 15. Stapler Wire (20 boxes/yr @ 50. 00/box)Php 1,000. 00 16. Folder (22 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 176. 00 17. Fastener (12 boxes/yr @ 150. 00/boxPhp 1, 800. 00 18. Puncher (1 pcs/yr @ 220. 00/pcPhp 220. 00 19. Ballpen (18 pcs/yr @ 8. 00/pc)Php 144. 00 20. Liquid Erasure (1 bot. /yr @38. 00/pcPhp 38. 00 Total: Php 9,023. 00 Electricity (Annual Consumption) No. of CPU 1 No. of Monitor 1 No. of Printer 1 Monitor Type Monochrome Working Days 200 General Charge 3. 95 Hours Used/Days 8System Unit Power Consumption/Day (8 hrs/ day * 400 watt) 3,200 watt/day HP Printer power Consumption/day (8 hrs /day * 90 watt) 720 watt/ day Monitor Power Consumption/ day (8 hrs / day * 30 watt) 240 watt / day Watt used for by device per day 3,200+720+240=4,160 watts Watt used for all device / yr (4,160 * 200) 832,000 watts / yr Kilowatt used / yr (832,000 watts / 1000) 832 kilowatts / yr Watt / yr = (watt / day) * (working days / yr) 4,160 * 200 =832,000 Amount Due = (kilowatt / yr) * Generation Charge =832 *3. 95 Php 3,286. 40 Annual Benefit Present System Annual Operating Cost = Php 14,513. 00 Less Proposed Annual Operating Cost = Php 9,023 Annual Sav ings: Php 5,490. 00 Table of Annual Net Benefit Year| Annual saving| (1+i)n| Present value| Cumulative Value| 1| 5,490. 00 | 1. 024| 5621. 76| 5621. 76| 2| 5,490. 00 | 1. 049| 5759. 01| 11518. 02| 3| 5,490. 00 | 1. 74| 5896. 26| 17688. 78| 4| 5,490. 00 | 1. 100| 6039. 00| 24156. 00| 5| 5,490. 00 | 1. 126| 6181. 74| 30908. 07| This Table shows the table of annual net benefit. Project in percentage from 1-5 the cash flow. This table shows that Present value are computed by getting the product of annual saving and (1+i)n while the cumulative value is computed by getting the sum of the present value of that particular year and the cumulative value of the previous year. Where I = interest rate n = no. of years 3% = interest rate Payback Period 2+ Proposed System Annual Operating Cost- Cumulative Value in 3 Years Present Value in 3 Years The Cost and Benefits Analysis given above will help the Finance officer to decide whether to implement a computerized Land Patent Form System. It shows that the total annual operating cost of the present system is Php 14,513. 00; the researcher’s analysis reveals that the proposed system is lower operating cost, lower supplies expenses, less physical space needed, fewer operators required, faster turnaround time, greater accuracy, more comprehensive reports and improves morale-financial benefits school pegs at Php 5,490. 0 annually. Base on the cost-benefits estimates, the office would see a return on each investment in 2 years and seven months. In this case, it is very clear that the expected benefits of the proposed system do exceed the expected cost. G. Hardware and Software Hardware and software requirements are very essential in the automation of the system and they are the component in the system analysis. In choosing hardware factors to be considered include the following ability, affordability, speed and robustness of the hardware to save time and energy. H. Hardware and Software ConfigurationHardware Configuration C omputer: Personal Computer with Pentium (R) or higher processor Memory: 512MB of Random Access Memory or Higher Display: 32bit (1024 x 768 pixels) Monitor: video Graphics Accelerator (VGA) or Higher : Resolution monitor (Super VGA recommended) Hard Dick Requirements: At least 700MB of free space Video Display Adapter: 64MB (Any branded video card) Key board Features: Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft PS/2 keyboard Mouse: Microsoft mouse compatible pointing device Power Supply: AVR (Automatic Voltage Regulator) 500watts & 220volts outlet UPS (Uninterrupted power Supply) 300watts & 220volts outlet Printer: EPSON LQ300+2 (dot matrix printer) : MP1600Le (photocopier/printer/scanner) Software Configuration Operating System: Microsoft windows 2009 Dark edition, Windows 98, Windows XP, SP2, SP3, Windows 2000 Application Software: MS Office Programming Language: Visual Basic I. Essential Model The essential model is a modeling tool shows what the system must do in order to satisfy t he user’s requirements on how the system is implemented. It consist of two major components namely the environmental model and behavioral model. I. 1. Environmental modelThe environmental model is modeling tool that defines the boundary and the interaction between the system and the environment. It consists of the statement of the purpose event list and context diagram. I. 1. 1 Statement of Purpose The Manual Crime & Incidents Record System of the PNP Roxas Zamboanga del Norte is use to record update and edits information about Crime and Incidents such as Car crash, Robbery etc. and surveying of records. It is also used to generate reports such as Spot Report. I. 1. 2. Event List The event list is a narrative list of all activities that occur in the environment to which the system responses.It has seven events namely: 1. PNP Head request Spot Report 2. Responder Submitted Spot Report 3. Provincial Police Office Request Report 4. Provincial Police Requires Report 5. Region al Police Office request Report 6. PNP Roxas submits the spot report Responder PNP Head Spot Report Spot Report Manual Crime and Incidents Record Keeping System Note Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Provincial Office Regional Office Figure 4. The Context Diagram that shows the Automated Crime and incident’s Record Keeping System.The figure shows the different external entities in which the system responses. The Responder, PNP head, Provincial Police Office, Regional Police Office are the persons involve in the processing of the Crimes and Incidents record system or information and in generation of reports. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the coll ection of data. Responder Spot Report Spot Report Spot Report File Spot Report ProcessRequest Figure 5. Event List 1: PNP Head Request Spot Report This figure shows that when the PNP Head requires a report, the Spot Report File and Master List of Crimes and Incidents File were retrieved to print the Spot Report and Master List of Crimes and Incidents Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Responder Process of the Spot Report Note Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidentsFigure 6. Event List 2: PNP Head Request Spot Report This figure shows that when the PNP Head requires a report, the Spot Report File and Master List of Crimes and Incidents File were retrieved to print the Spot Report and Master List of Crimes and Incidents Terminal – the exter nal entities of the individual or group of people. Legend: Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Provincial Police HeadquartersMaster list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report File Process Request Figure 7. Event List 3: Provincial Police Headquarter request Master List This figure shows that when an PNP Head submit’s the Spot Report and Master List file to the Provincial Police Office. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Process RequestSpot Report PNP Head PNP Head submit’s the Spot Report Provincial Police Office Figure 8. Eve nt List 4: PNP Head submit’s Spot Report This figure shows that when an PNP Head submit’s the Master List file to the Provincial Police Office. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Flows – the connection between processes. Data Store – store the collection of data. Master list of crimes and incidents Regional Police Headquarters Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report FileMaster list of crimes and incidents Process Request Figure 9. Event List 5: Regional Police Headquarter request Master List This figure shows that when the Regional Police Office requires a report, the Spot Report File and Master List of Crimes and Incidents File were retrieved to print the Spot Report and Master List of Crimes and Incidents Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Process – it rep resent various individual functions that system carries out. Flows – the connection between processes. Data Store – store the collection of data. Process RequestPNP Head Spot Report PNP Head submit’s the Spot Report Regional Police Office Figure 10. Event List 6: PNP Head submit’s Spot Report This figure shows that when an PNP Head submit’s the Master List file to the Regional Police Office. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. 1. 2 Behavioral Model This model is primary concern on the internal behavior of the system to interest with the environment.This model includes Data Flow diagram, Process specifications and Data dictionary. The behavioral model includes the following: 1. 2. 1 Data flow diagram (DFD) –are us ed to describe how the system transforms information. They define how information processed and stored and identify how the information flows through the processes. 1. 2. 2 Data dictionary – specify relationship between each of said user application. Program and said sets of data stored in said database associated with each of said user application programs. 1. 2. 3 Process Specifications – a step by step flow of transaction on each process.Top Level Data Flow Diagram 1. Process Submission of Spot Report 2. Process Request Spot Report File Spot Report Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report File Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents Figure 11. This figure shows entire flow of the data through the system. It implies how the transaction is processed and described how the different process involved. Data Store – store the collection of data. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individu al functions that system carries out. Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people.Legend: 1. Process Submission of Spot Report Spot Report Spot Report File Spot Report Figure 12 Process Submission of Spot Report This figure shows that during the process of Submission of Spot Report. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Flows – the connection between processes. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Data Store – store the collection of data. Spot Report Master list of crimes and incidents 2. Process Request Master list of crimes and incidents Spot Report Spot Report File Figure 13Process Request This figure shows that during the Process of Request and Release of Spot Report and Master List File of Crime and Incidents. Legend: Terminal – the external entities of the individual or group of people. Data Store – store the collection of data. Process – it represent various individual functions that system carries out. Flows – the connection between processes. J. 2. Data Dictionary Alphanumeric=* either number or letter or combination of both* Address=*address of the person where involve in an incidents or crime Character=*a letter, number and special character*sContact No. =*Contact No. of Person Involve [email protected]{numeric} Date =*(mm/dd/yy)* [email protected]{numeric} Name =Name of person [email protected]{character} Numeric =*a number (0-9)* Request information =*an information of a particular crime or incidents* [email protected]{alphanumeric} Record =*It refers to all the information of the requested item which is being inputted by Responder* [email protected]{alphanumeric} Record File =*refers to the file in which all the record information about the Crime and Incidents is stored. This file is also used during retrieval of information* @{alphanumeric} Spot Report =*refers t o the file in which all the record information about the Crimes and Incidents is stored. This file is also used during retrieval of information* [email protected]{alphanumeric} ={Full name}+{age}+{address}+{sex}+{time}+{date}+{place}+{evidence}+{Materials}+{summary of the incidents} J. 3 Process Specification Process 1: Submission of Spot Report Begin Open Spot Report File If Close Close Spot Report File End If End Process 2: Process Request Begin Open Spot Report File If Close Close Spot Report File End If End
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